Sunday, July 31, 2011

Intro to Break The Equation

I have heard people call me an eternal optimist. Maybe because I always rephrase things as “Opportunities”… an 'opportunity for improvement' (an error), an 'opportunity for learning' (something that didn’t work), or just a plain opportunity (something to pursue).

I have seen where people get frustrated with me about this… “which opportunity are you talking about?” and “damn it, it's a bug, not an opportunity”, but it’s kind of fun to watch others embrace it at times. Never let a good “Opportunity” pass you by! :D

A good friend of mine often uses the phrase “get lemons, make lemonade”… meaning, when something sour falls in your lap, find a way to turn it into something you enjoy or can be positive about. But could there be even more to this phrase? Could we not only turn something sour into a refreshing drink, but then also share this drink with someone else and capitalize on the entire experience?

Refreshing your thirst, a friends and generate a third piece of value... being the learning and connection of sharing it. I call these types of situations ”Triple Wins”. Where not only do both parties win, but additional value is created at no additional cost… kind of like the cold fusion of the universe!

I believe these “Triples Wins” are where the magic happens, where the odds get beaten and where the true game changers emerge. I also believe they happen all the time and all around us, especially in business.  We just need to be on the lookout and embrace them when they come our way.

These “Triple Wins” are what BreakTheEquation is all about… finding or making the 1+1=3 or 1+1=4 or even 1+2= 10 situations.

So I ask you: Is your glass half empty or half full?  …and where can I find a lemon? :D

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